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I am Laura Hans, and I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. I work with anyone over the age of 18 who is registered with a GP in the UK. I offer online CBT, a psychological treatment to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression.
I have a special interest in parental mental health and the emotional problems that can occur before and during pregnancy and postnatally. It is an area so close to my heart and being a parent myself, I know how hard it can be and the problems that can present themselves.
I have lots of experience of working with clients in this category and I typically see those who experience Depression or an Anxiety Disorder such as OCD, birth trauma, Health/Social Anxiety, Low-Self Esteem and Generalised Anxiety. It is important to address these issues to try and minimise the impact the problem has not only on the parent experiencing the problem, but also the wider effect this can have on the family.